? How can I help?
Home Uitreike Outreaches Gallery Blog How can I help?

1. You can sponsor a child to attend the crèche monthly.

2. Donate money or food towards the food-project. Lunch will be handed out every Friday.

3. Donate baby products towards the baby section. Products like nappies, milk, wet wipes, bum cream etc.

4. For Christmas you can donate presents and sweets for the children.

TO BE A PART of Vuurwarm vir Charity

Contact Anzelle

info@vuurwarmvircharity.co.za or

082 958 7425


Facebook page: Vuurwarm vir Charity

Twitter: Vuurwarm4Charity

Bank: FNB

Account name:Vuurwarm vir Charity

Account number: 62841363716

Current/Cheque account

Bank code: 254005