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Sorina (singer and flooze from 7de laan) also visited the crèche. She entertained them with ATKV and VWVC. We handed out gift bags and played with the children. They all loved being "Witbank".

Anzelle Louw, founder of Vuurwarm vir Charity (VWVC) organized the christmas party each year for the children. She visits Jollige Jakkers on Fridays whenever she can to give a Bible lesson. When it is possible she takes celebrities to visit and spend time with the children. She spoils them with sweets when she goes and provides them with lunch on Fridays and baby products monthly.

Zetske (Marcel van die laan) with VWVC made and handed out "vetkoeke" for the children.

ATKV sponsored 2 Boek Buddies shows which the children enjoyed and were actively involved.

After the show it was decorate the cupcakes with Zetske. Madrienne(member of VWVC) baked and sponsored all the cupcakes for the day.

Angelique (Clara from 7de laan and presenter of Boer Soek 'n Vrou) gave the children an Easter lesson and hide Easter eggs for them to find. It was so much fun. She joined VWVC for the movie outing at the end of the year! The children love it when "Clara" visits them.

Donnalee Roberts and Ivan Botha started to utilize their Pad na jou hart Facebook page to give back to the community and started the Road to our Hearts Project each month. In December 2016 they decided to make Jollige Jakkers their project for the month. They arranged the Christmas party for 2016. Together with Unisa they spoiled the kids with Santa shoe boxes filled with goodjies for every kid there. Clarice and the Rainbow Kids entertained the children for the morning. Some of the little ones also received fun scooters and had an awesome day.

Theodore Jantjies (Xander van 7de Laan) filled the hearts of the elderly with love and joy. He spend time with them and handed out food for the cold winter. They truly enjoyed his visit and his compassion towards them.

Ivan Botha and Donnalee Roberts took hands with Vuurwarm vir Charity once again in June 2017.
We chose Sonskyn Hoekie for their June Pad na jou Hart Project. Arriving with VWVC, ATKV, and Martin Erwee from East Rand Toyota they made the Sonskyn people's day! Three huge home-made soup pots, more than 200 loaves of bread, and hundreds of blankets made sure to warm up the people' tummies, bodies, and hearts. A day to remember forever.

Angelique recently started with the exciting Reality Show - Angelique & Junior. She decided to dedicate one episode to Vuurwarm vir Charity. Angie, accompanied by her warm presence and a film crew spent the day with the children at Jollige Jakkers. Handing out hotdogs for lunch, reading the ATKV reading competition books to them, teaching an Easter lesson, and spoiling the kids with chocolate bunnies and sweets! With grateful hearts, the crèche welcomed the HUGE donations Angelique gathered from sponsors. They were truly blessed out of their socks!

Altus Theart (actor and singer) joined VWVC for the Christmas party as Santa Clause and handed out the presents. The children enjoyed him, the presents, the burger & chips, the ice cream and Kosie very much. Kosie Beukes played for the children on his trek klavier and other instruments.